Following the Disney purchase of 20th Century Fox, the possibility of the X-Men entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) offers a chance for characters like Iceman to regain their footing. The Fox X-Men movies frequently neglected to give Iceman, a founding member of the X-Men, the attention he deserved due to plot holes and an excessive focus on other characters. But the planned X-Men ’97 revival offers an opportunity to make up for these flaws and give Iceman the credit he sorely needs.
The addition of Iceman on the original MCU X-Men lineup is significant. The incorporation of mutants across the MCU can be more thorough by beginning with the initial cast, which includes Iceman. The potential of Iceman as an omega level mutant greatly exceeds his earlier depiction, giving him the ability to alter the world and start a new ice age. The MCU, which is known for featuring strong characters, can offer the perfect setting to demonstrate Iceman’s full range of powers. His character is further developed through examining his contacts with groups other than the X-Men, including as his friendship with Spider-Man and prospective alliances with other mutant organizations.
As one of Marvel’s LGBTQ+ heroes, Iceman fits in nicely with the MCU’s dedication to diversity, establishing a standard for the inclusion of other gay characters. The success of the MCU’s standalone superhero movies also creates the prospect of an Iceman stand-alone picture, further extending the Marvel Universe and giving him the credit he so richly merits.In conclusion, Iceman’s inclusion in the MCU is significant for LGBTQ+ inclusivity as well as for the X-Men team and mutant representation. The MCU has the opportunity to right previous wrongs, which has the ability to highlight Iceman’s character growth and give him a fascinating story in this new cinematic universe.