In the Marvel Puzzle Quest, a new Spider-Hero debuts

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MARVEL Puzzle Quest, a well-known game, is introducing Peni Parker, a young, orphaned Spider-Hero known as SP//dr. The comic books feature the character on EARTH-14512, an alternate reality influenced by the anime Evangelion. Peni, who is nine years old when her father passes away while operating the SP//dr suit, assumes his duties and consents to being bitten by the radioactive spider that served as SP//dr’s other CPU. The character will also be in the follow-up, Beyond the Spider-Verse, which was recently included in the animated film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Peni is outfitted with her father Spider-Man’s iconic SP//dr costume and has a strong ally alongside her. After her father’s terrible passing, Peni genetically inherits the high-tech marvel and assumes the role with a sense of familial responsibility. She now intends to preserve her neighbourhood, as well as her Aunt May and Uncle Ben, equipped with the technological legacy left by her father, the SP//dr suit. Peni Parker (Spider-Bot BFF) is a 4-Star Rarity character in Puzzle Quest and has unique abilities including Experimental Webbing, Hits Keep Coming, and Ten Tonne Slam.Peni may stun her enemies for a full turn and create a 7-turn Countdown tile, insuring attacks for more turns by freezing them in place for a devastating follow-up strike with SP//dr.The SP//dr may charge forward and strike its opponents with a powerful blow.The Experimental Webbing tile that is targeted by the Hits Keep Coming attack adds 10% more damage, for a total damage of 491. However, Peni’s self-defense skills have a downside because they might potentially cause collateral damage, causing 232 damage to the target and 139 damage to other foes when used in Ten Tonne Slam with the SP//dr suit.

The following is the release calendar for Peni Parker’s debut album. 7th to 11th of September: “Webbed Wonder” story event. Covers and Shards in Placement Rewards, Event Token in Progression Rewards for Peni Parker (Spider-Bot BFF) “Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.” event: September 10–September 14. For the Shield Offer in Progression rewards, Peni Parker (Spider-Bot BFF) Shards and Recruit Token are given. Sept. 11–Sept. 14: “Hearts of Darkness” event. In the Versus category, the events “Lethal Intent” (Sept. 7–Sept. 11) and “Mechanical Mayhem” (Sept. 10–Sept. 14) offer players the chance to battle for Peni Parker (Spider-Bot BFF) Covers and Shards as Placement awards. Additionally, the “Peni Parker & Friends Vault” event (September 10–September 14) gives participants the option to get a variety of extra things, such as tokens and covers. Players now have a dynamic new team to lead in their fights around the Marvel world with the addition of Peni Parker and SP//dr to the MARVEL Puzzle Quest roster.

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