What if…? Promised inclusion of lost Gamora episode from season 1 in season 2

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What if? According to a new rumour, Season 2 will fulfil head writer A.C. Bradley’s vow to telecast the “lost” Gamora episode of the animated anthology series. The Nerd Rage Podcast, which recently published a list of alleged episode titles for What If… Season 2 on X, is the source of the rumour. This list had a section titled “What If…? What If… Season 1’s “Gamora Killed Thanos” appears to follow the same general framework as a famous entry that was prepared for, but eventually removed from, the season. Bradley promised the hidden narrative will be included in What If…?’s second set of episodes back in October 2021, and the episode title list of The Nerd Rage Podcast would seem to support this. However, because neither Marvel Studios nor Disney+ have confirmed the list’s veracity, its contents should be treated with caution for the time being.

The rumoured What If… Season 2 episode wasn’t the only one that caused MCU fans online to react with enthusiasm. Other episodes on The Nerd Rage Podcast’s roster, such as a Happy Hogan episode with a holiday theme, also caught the interest of the audience. “What If…? If Happy Hogan Saved Christmas is in fact in development as alleged, Tony Stark’s bodyguard friend will probably save the day on December 25 in this contribution to the What If…? canon. Season 1 of What If…? included live-action Happy Hogan actor Jon Favreau reprising the part, but it’s not certain if he will return for Season 2 at this time. The Nerd Rage Podcast’s list also raises the potential that a musical episode of What If…? Season 2 will be included. The rumoured installment’s supposed title, “What If…? Wanda Had Watched Musicals Rather Than Sitcoms Growing Up? It seems sense that Wanda Maximoff’s love with song-and-dance entertainment would result in a musical-themed episode given that her early fixation with comedies served as the inspiration for the Disney+ series WandaVision, which emulates that genre to tell its narrative. It should be noted once more that for the time being, this is all just conjecture and that such an episode is not yet formally a part of What If…? Season 2. But not every rumour about What If…?’s second season that is presently going around was started by the title list on The Nerd Rage Podcast. Notably, there are rumours that Strange Supreme, the corrupted version of Doctor Strange introduced in Season 1, may return in What If…? Season 2.

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