The reappearance of Loki, based on the God of Mischief and his numerous incarnations throughout the world, will mark the beginning of “Season 2” for the Marvel Cinematic world on Disney+. The new and returning cast members of a recent featurette that was posted on the Marvel Entertainment YouTube channel discuss their experiences on production. The little clip, titled “Extended Family,” also has some behind-the-scenes images. Tom Hiddleston, the charismatic protagonist who is currently in his 13th year of playing the beloved role, is seen in the tape praising fellow actor Owen Wilson’s commitment to the show and praising his intellect and humour. In a frank exchange on set, Wilson jokingly inquires as to whether he should perform the entire scene with his hands on his hips. From where did this come? Wilson has hinted that Mobius, the main Time Variance Authority agent from Season 1, would have a longer storyline this time around. This is noteworthy because Wilson has already foreshadowed it.
The cast members share their feelings and assure viewers of a great Season 2 in the video, which also gives an insight into how they interact with one another. The actress playing Sylvie, a.k.a. Loki Laufeydottir, Sophia Di Martino, demonstrates her enthusiasm by highlighting the inclusiveness of the production: “The best thing about this job is that it’s always alive and everyone is part of it,” she says, adding that “It’s a really special group of people like extended family.” Martino compliments Hiddleston and says, “Working with Tom, it was like being a kid again.” Shots of Hiddleston escorting everyone to sports and activities in between takes seem to confirm her assertion. Martini’s assessment of Hiddleston is backed up by another returning performer, Hunter B-15’s Wunmi Mosaku, who calls him “honest and hilarious.” She also comments on the environment the group produces, saying, “They all preserve the enthusiasm in the room. That really is amazing.
Ke Huy Quan, the 2017 Academy Award winner who will be playing Ouroboros “OB,” who has joined the cast this season, similarly discusses the effect that the entire filming process has had on him. In his own words, “The entire experience of shooting this is going to stay with me for many, many years.” The actor even makes a comparison between that feeling and what viewers may feel when they see the finished product in the hopes that “the fans will love it just as much as we enjoy making it.”
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