Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, drawn by Nic Klein, coloured by Matthew Wilson, and lettered by Cory Petit, Incredible Hulk continues the national adventure of Bruce Banner and Charlie, a teenage girl on the run following the death of her violent father. The Eldest, a terrifying power, has been pursuing the Hulk with monsters in an attempt to press the matter, saying that he needs his assistance in bringing The Mother of All Horrors back to life. This time, one of the demons has taken possession of the Hulk, and things don’t seem good.
Charlie and Bruce Banner were welcomed to a hamlet in Texas made up primarily of migrant labourers. The colony had been coping with demon attacks for more than a month, but fortunately, they had a kind of guardian angel. On the property was an ancient World War II motorbike, and a Ghost Rider from that era always shows up when the bad guys arrive up. Because of his link with one of the younger boys living on the settlement, the Ghost Rider always appears to save little Leo from the demon invaders. But now the Hulk himself is among the War Devils, the monster also known as the War Devil, and his possessed minions!
The possessed Hulk starts attacking the settlement’s defenceless citizens in the preview pages. In an attempt to remind the Hulk that he is an Avenger and that these people deserve a hero, Charlie begs him to stop. The possessed Hulk tries to convince her that this place is full of monsters, not heroes. But then a magical bazooka blasts him, and Charlie boldly tells him that there are heroes here as the WWII Ghost Rider, riding in with tiny Leo in his sidecar, charges into action! When Incredible Hulk is released in its entirety next week, we shall find out for sure. The issue’s cover depicts the Hulk teaming up with the enigmatic Ghost Rider, so it seems sense that the Ghost Rider can free the Hulk from his control.
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