Captain America: Brave New World need Sam Wilson to be powerless in order for his battle with the Red Hulk to be successful.

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Even though Sam Wilson is taking on the role of Captain America in the MCU, he must remain loyal to himself for the most important battle in Captain America: Brave New World to succeed. The future of the MCU Captain America tale has been a hot topic of conversation ever since Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, handed the shield to Anthony Mackie’s character at the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame. Sam will undoubtedly add his own flair to the dependable hero label, but the two people who will occupy the mantle have similar principles, which is why Steve first gave Sam the job. The Falcon & The Winter Soldier gave us a preview of Sam’s performance as Captain America in the MCU timeline, demonstrating that, while not having the super soldier abilities Steve possessed, Sam is motivated by his desire to uphold justice and defend others. In the next release of the MCU, he will encounter his first formal hurdles as Captain America, including a conflict with Harrison Ford’s Thaddeus Ross. According to the trailers, Sam Wilson will battle the Red Hulk, who will assume the persona of the now-president Ross, creating a special challenge for Captain America.

Upon the initial confirmation of Ross’ Red Hulk, many fans naturally wondered how Captain America might defeat him. Despite his training as a soldier and his ability to compete with Steve and the other Avengers, Sam Wilson is still a normal person without any genetic modifications. Unlike Ross and the Red Hulk, he derives his heightened abilities—which he can consider powers—from his suit rather than his true body. I can already tell that Sam Wilson is at a significant disadvantage in his battle against the Red Hulk without having seen Captain America: Brave World. In their separate Hulk phases, Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters have demonstrated their extraordinary power, and Ross ought to be no exception. Sam appears to have his job cut out for him as Captain America, as the Red Hulk is shown in the movie’s trailers as being just as strong.

I believe it will be essential for Sam Wilson to stay unpowered for his next encounter with the Red Hulk, even though it feels like an uphill struggle. It would be easy for the company to figure out a method to grant him superpowers in the MCU universe. It will appear as though he obtained the powers to defend the face-off, though, if he does get them before his battle with Ross in Captain America: Brave New World. I’m excited to see how Sam Wilson, despite his disadvantage, will face the Red Hulk in Brave New World. I don’t want him to get unreasonably more strength for the sake of story armor. If they were equal in strength, the fight would ruin the film’s intriguing David vs. Goliath plot. Sam is absurdly powerful on his own, of course. His battle with Red Hulk, however, is more intriguing since, despite his physical inferiority, he seems to be able to compensate for it with his mental toughness and willpower.

Steve trusted someone he thought was completely capable when he handed Sam the Captain America mantle. In that version of himself, Sam was just a talented fighter with a hero’s mindset—a regular person without any special abilities. Steve wouldn’t have given Sam the shield if he didn’t believe he could hold his own since he knew he was prepared for the assignment as is. This new version of Captain America works so effectively because Sam lacks Steve’s identical abilities, which will help distinguish the two distinct personas behind the shield. Because of their many commonalities, Sam and Steve got along so well as friends and lovers. Even when it seems like the chances are against them, they will both always act morally. The fact that Sam Wilson faced the Red Hulk in spite of his disadvantage is identical to Steve Rogers facing Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Even though Steve was clearly no match by himself, he fought. In Captain America: Brave New World, Sam has the chance to continue the hero attitude that characterizes the Captain America position.

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Source:- Screen Rant

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