An MCU actor expresses disappointment in the role of Captain America

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Frank Grillo, the actor who played Crossbones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) Captain America films, recently expressed his disappointment with his time in the franchise. Fans of the MCU will remember Grillo for his role as Crossbones/Brock Rumlow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America Civil War, where he played a secondary villain to a bigger bad in each respective appearance.

Despite the character’s death in Civil War, Grillo has gone back and forth on whether he would be up for a return or not, with the actor flip-flopping from saying he is “done” with the character to expressing confidence he would be back to “pop up now and again” as Crossbones. However, in a recent interview with, Grillo seemed to let slip his disappointment regarding his time within the franchise, saying “they never told a story [about Crossbones].”

Grillo pointed out that Crossbones was supposed to have a bigger part in the MCU and that there was more to explore with the character. He noted the number of “people around the world [who] have responded to Crossbones” and suggested that “there’s more there.”

While it is easy to sympathize with Grillo’s disappointment, it is also worth noting that Marvel Studios has a habit of keeping their plans close to the vest. Grillo may have been under the impression that his character was going to have a bigger part in the MCU, something that Marvel has been known to do with other actors in the past.

Despite his disappointment, Grillo has moved on to other projects, including joining the new DC Universe under DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn. This move, along with the fact that Crossbones has been dead in the MCU since Civil War, has officially put an end to the character’s story in the franchise.

It is a shame that Grillo’s time in the MCU was not what he had hoped for, but it is clear that the actor is excited for new opportunities in the DC Universe. Hopefully, he will get the chance to explore his new character in more depth and find the super-powered fulfillment that he was left lacking with Crossbones. As for the MCU, it will be interesting to see which other characters will rise to take the place that Crossbones could have had.

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