Alternative outfits for Clea are seen in concept art for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, some of which are spookier than others. Fans are given to outfits for Clea in The Art of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, including a majestic, Disney-esque gown and many that make her seem more like Salem from RWBY. On one page, Visual Development Artist Jana Schirmer wrote, “We did so many versions of Clea.”
“I feel like all I did for six months was Clea! I attempted to incorporate a lot of her comic book look—which is heavily influenced by those circles—into these designs since I was so inspired by it. Additionally, I considered giving her some organic features, like crystal embellishments on her vest. It’s interesting to note that one of the drawings depicts Clea as a Black lady with white hair, similar to Storm from the Marvel Comics, while another design resembles Scarlet Witch. The public recently seen alternative versions of several Multiverse of Madness characters, including Mister Fantastic and the Scarlet Witch herself. Clea is not the only one of these characters to have this happen. Particularly Wanda Maximoff’s provided her a flesh crown.
In addition to these works of concept art, Multiverse of Madness author Michael Waldron claimed Scarlet Witch was initially intended to be a hero until the very end, stating in 2022, “We knew that we wanted Wanda to be in the picture. I believe the original text implied that Wanda would eventually turn evil. That was a significant adjustment I made. Her role as a villain was something I really considered from the beginning. ‘Well, that’ll happen in an Avengers movie or something,’ was the constant response. Why are we allowing another movie have the finest villain ever, in my opinion? Waldron had also talked of a climax that featured both the titular Master of the Mystic Arts and Sinister Strange, his identical twin. Strange becomes caught in that incursion reality, and then Sinister Strange turns around and the third eye opens, according to Waldron in the audio commentary for Multiverse of Madness. Moving on to the subject of Doctor Strange’s upcoming film appearances, a recent rumour asserts that the “Time Runs Out” plot will be adapted for Doctor Strange 3. Disney and Marvel Studios haven’t verified this, though.