In Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Spider-Man 2099 is presented as one of the Spider-Heroes with the toughest personalities. Miguel O’Hara has few friends in the gang since he lacks many of the jokes and traits of empathy that characterise most of their pals. But surprisingly, he has a particular favourite Spider-Man. As a member of the multiversal Spider-Society, LEGO Spider-Man has a supporting role in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The larger shock, though, is that Spider-Man 2099 reportedly considers him to be one of his favourite team members. Given Miguel’s demeanour throughout the remainder of the movie, it’s a comical revelation, but it may also subtly set up Miguel’s eventual part in the next sequel, Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse.
In Across the Spider-Verse, it is immediately revealed that the Spider-Society is an alliance of Spider-Heroes from all around the universe who cooperate to ensure the survival of all timelines. The Spot, a menace portrayed by Jason Schwartzman, derives its powers from the same experiment that ultimately caused the multiverse damage. As The Spot tests his talents and jumps between worlds, he unintentionally alerts the heroes when he enters Earth-13122, a planet made mostly of LEGO figurines. There is a Spider-Man in this universe as well, and he swiftly contacts Spider-Man 2099, alias Miguel O’Hara, the creator and head of the Spider-Society, to alert him about The Spot’s increased strength. Notably, Miguel takes the time to praise the LEGO Spider-Man for his efforts and expressly calls him one of the greatest and most trustworthy Spider-Society members.