Ant-Man Original Writer Joe Cornish Leaked More Details On Edgar Wright’s Departure From MCU

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After Joe Cornish, the original writer of Ant-Man, was interviewed, further information behind Edgar Wright’s resignation became available. During his interview with The Playlist, the author didn’t hold back and revealed some behind-the-scenes information, including the reasons why English filmmaker Edgar Wright decided to quit the MCU and what happened to the movie’s initial screenplay. On Ant-Man, writer Joe Cornish has long collaborated with filmmaker Edgar Wright. Since the two had been working on the superhero movie for about eight years, Cornish acknowledged that their version of the movie was greatly impacted by earlier cinematography.

We worked on [“Ant-Man”] for around eight years, on and off, Cornish told The Playlist. During that period, the environment underwent a total metamorphosis. Technology underwent a radical revolution. Superhero flicks captured the hearts of audiences. All of the popular comic book content from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s was suddenly and in an entirely new way transported to the big screen. The MCU had the grand goal of combining their franchise’s movies due to advancements in filmmaking, but Wright’s imaginative perspective quickly made that ideal difficult to realise. Wright and MCU officials soon got into a spat over Ant-Man. “That sort of overwhelmed us in the sense that Marvel didn’t really want the written movie that Edgar and I intended to create because, at that time, they had this giant on their hands,” Cornish continued. The movies had to fit within this universe they had created. An auteur is Edgar. Making Edgar Wright movies is Edgar Wright. I suppose that’s why it ultimately didn’t happen.

Although elements of Edgar Wright’s concepts were retained by Marvel Studios, the original version was not entirely abandoned. Additionally, the two got writing and narrative credit for their work on Ant-Man. A look back to the early days of Marvel Studios is part of Cornish’s script, but it certainly didn’t make the final cut. The author claimed, “There is still a lot of our material in there, and I truly enjoy that movie. Like everyone else, we’re eager to see where it goes next. Edgar cast it, so we have a connection to that cast as well. The patterns are still there. In such films, a few little Edgar Wright ants are still sneaking about covertly.”

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