मार्वल स्टूडियोज़ का लोकी सीजन 2 ट्रेलर ने डिज़्नी+ पर 80 मिलियन व्यूज़ के साथ नए रिकॉर्ड बना दिया
मार्वल स्टूडियोज़ का लोकी के दूसरे सीजन…
मार्वल स्टूडियोज़ का लोकी के दूसरे सीजन…
The second-season trailer for Marvel Studios’ Loki broke a record, becoming the most-watched online trailer launch ever for any series on Disney+, accumulating an incredible 80 million views in a short amount of time. The tremendous response from viewers reveals…
द अमेज़िंग स्पाइडर-मैन की कहानी एक रोचक…
The plot of The Amazing Spider-Man takes an intriguing turn when Sergei Kravinoff, a former hunter, turns becomes a target. After seemingly passing away in Kraven’s Last Hunt, Kraven reappears in The Grim Hunt owing to the efforts of his…
हाल ही में एक साक्षात्कार में, एलिज़बेथ…
In a recent interview, Elizabeth Olsen, known for her portrayal of Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), shared her thoughts on the fan-favorite Funko Pop toys and her future in the MCU. Olsen expressed her amusement…
MCU में महान Marvel यूनिवर्स और स्पाइडर…
What will happen to the greater Marvel universe in the MCU and the Spiderverse in the Secret Wars? According to some sources, Venom, who may come from a separate Spiderman reality, may compete against Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman. There have been…
आगामी मार्वल फिल्म: आर्मर वॉर्स एक नए म…
Upcoming Marvel Film: Armor Wars promises to be a game-changer for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, offering a fresh take on the iconic storyline. Serving as the replacement for the Iron Man franchise, the film indicates Marvel’s forward-looking plans as they…