Before directing Marvel films, Kevin Feige discloses which DC movie he always sees. As the MCU explores storylines well beyond the earthbound narrative of the original Iron Man movie, Feige’s legacy continues to grow. The Avengers (2012) was considered a good adaptation of the Infinity Gauntlet comics and provided a look into the greater Marvel Universe. Since then, the MCU has expanded to include a vast cast of characters from 29 television series and 33 motion pictures, so it’s unexpected to learn that Feige’s iconic superhero was developed in a DC picture. He said in MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios that Superman: The Movie was his favourite model for superhero origin stories and that he viewed it every time before they began filming any MCU movie. The directors of Superman: The Movie, Richard Donner, served as an inspiration for Marvel films, as authors Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards detailed. “Superman: The Movie is still to this day the archetype of the perfect superhero film origin story,” said Feige. “We watch it before we make any of our films.” This insight places the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe in context, as the majority of its stories portrayed heroic, although sometimes conflicted, superheroes. Captain America: The First Avenger clearly bears this influence, and Iron Man, Thor, The Avengers, and Captain Marvel were all greatly influenced by it as well. It’s important to note how Superman has been portrayed in films since then, especially in Henry Cavill’s gloomy and brooding portrayal of the character.
In many respects, Christopher Reeve’s portrayal of Superman is inseparable from Donner’s Superman. Reeve was the real-life personification of the best values of the last son of Krypton, according to Gunn in an interview. He noted that the things people talk about when they talk about Christopher Reeve are his decency, his purity, and his optimism. “They discuss how his portrayal of Clark differs greatly from his portrayal of Superman, and how he can instantly switch that on. And Superman’s fun is one of the finest things about the film. He finds pleasure in his work. He enjoys saving lives and assisting others.” Superman: The Movie’s success led to three more sequels, all of which were critically and popularly panned. Superman Reborn, a fifth film, was shelved in its early stages of development, and Superman’s portrayal stalled until Brandon Routh was cast in Superman Returns in 2006. The next to assume the role in James Gunn’s revamped DC Universe is David Corenswet in Superman: Legacy.