Rumors are swirling that Marvel Studios is currently exploring various characters for potential Disney+ series. Some of the characters being considered reportedly include The Punisher, Ghost Rider, Alpha Flight, Runaways, Jessica Jones, and select members of the X-Men. While it’s important to note that these are rumors and have not been confirmed by Marvel, the prospect of seeing these beloved characters in their own series on Disney+ has sparked excitement among fans.
The Punisher and Ghost Rider are characters known for their dark and gritty storylines, making them ideal candidates for their own series on a streaming platform. Alpha Flight, Runaways, and Jessica Jones are also popular characters with dedicated fan bases, and their inclusion in potential Disney+ series would give them a chance to shine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The mention of select members of the X-Men is particularly intriguing. With the acquisition of Fox by Disney, Marvel now has access to the X-Men characters, and fans have been eagerly anticipating their introduction into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If the rumors are true, seeing some of these X-Men characters in their own Disney+ series could be a thrilling development for fans of both the comics and the films. However, until official announcements are made by Marvel, it is important to treat these rumors with caution and await confirmation.