Some of the most influential brains in the cosmos have found a home in the Marvel Cinematic cosmos over time. There are many “big brains” who have contributed in some fashion, from Shuri to Rocket Raccoon. Having said that, Phase One provided the ideal illustrations of how this universe may have developed by using characters like Bruce Banner and Tony Stark. Although Banner has one of the best minds in the MCU, few people are aware of the extent of his scientific expertise. Dr. Bruce Banner, who holds an M.D. as well as seven PhDs, one of which is specialised in the study of gamma radiation. However, the major subject of his studies was radiation. However, a deeper look finds that his credentials have been used in many ways across the MCU, even those that weren’t explicitly addressed in any film or television programme. However, Vision, one of the MCU’s most potent characters, was influenced by the educational achievements that have received the least notice.
The degrees Banner earned in mathematics, nuclear physics, radiophysics, and biochemistry may be considered his most notable accomplishments. This gave him the opportunity to develop the device that would transform him into the Hulk as well as research his illness to look for a treatment. As the Tesseract produced a type of gamma radiation, these abilities also assisted Banner in locating the object. Ironically, Banner’s study on gamma has really been more beneficial than harmful, despite the fact that he may not have appreciated the findings. The most amazing degrees at Banner were those in computer science, engineering, and robotics, which are less well-known fields. Although knowing about these domains may seem unnecessary for a nuclear physicist, doing so helped him build the contraption that transformed him into the Hulk. Additionally, it played a crucial role in developing the containment unit for Stark’s and his more aggressive half. But Avengers: Age of Ultron’s conclusion was where Banner accomplished his greatest significant achievement using his credentials.

Together with Stark, Banner helped build the foundation for Ultron. Banner was discouraged from returning to the project when the Mind Stone damaged the programme. But Stark forced Banner to utilise his expertise in biochemistry and computer science to breathe life into the synthezoid Vision. But without a grasp of the robotics and engineering of the body, he and Stark would not have been able to seamlessly integrate Vision and the Mind Stone. One of the most significant events in the MCU may have been the birth of Vision, which demonstrated that even though he was intended to be an adversary, Vision was capable of making the right decision. Due to this, Vision was the one who helped defeat Ultron and ultimately managed to bring Wanda Maximoff back from the brink of disaster. Some of the most crucial elements of Vision wouldn’t have functioned as effectively without Banner’s least common degrees.