Three brand-new international TV ads for Madame Web have surfaced, each offering a brief synopsis of the movie. JumpTrailers leaked the first ad, which features Cassandra Webb as the main character. She is informed that she has a “gift to see the future,” and she quickly foils Ezekiel Sim’s effort to assassinate Anya Corazon, Julia Carpenter, and Mattie Franklin. Subsequently, Cassandra is informed that the girls require her safeguarding. She queries how she can possibly know whether she can effect any change, to which she is informed, “The power of your mind has infinite potential.” Resuming where the first commercial left off, Cassandra informs the girls that she saw the future and recounts her rescue of them. Afterwards, Ezekiel threatens to murder the girls first, saying they “have no idea they can unlock,” to Cassandra.
Cassandra tells the ladies about her ability once again in the last commercial. She also mentions that Ezekiel has these “crazy powers,” to which Anya responds in a later scene, “I’m more interested in why he’s trying to kill us.” In the last moments, Ezekiel warns Cassandra that Julia, Mattie, and Anya will destroy him in the future and that the two former will attack him while dressed as costumes. In the last shot of the ad, Cassandra stops an explosion by picking up a piece of wall. Taking a more direct approach to her portrayal of Cassandra, leading lady Dakota Johnson said, “It was really important to me that she’s really human and grounded in reality, and that her life feels like, ‘Oh, I can relate to that.'” It’s difficult to relate to someone who can blast lasers out of their eyes at times. Not for me, that is. Obviously, I always act in such manner.” Regarding the relationship between the movie and Sony’s Spider-Man Universe, director S.J. Clarkson stated that Cassandra is “definitely in a standalone world.” She continued, saying, “Instead of trying to force the movie into something else, I was able to just have free rein and let it be what it needed to be.” Being able to take something and give it a new, hopefully creative perspective was, in a sense, a gift.”