मुझे लगता है कि मैंने समझ लिया है कि कैप्टन अमेरिका: ब्रेव न्यू वर्ल्ड देखने के बाद बकी बार्न्स थंडरबोल्ट्स* के एकमात्र सदस्य क्यों नहीं हैं, जिन्होंने सुपरहीरो सूट नहीं पहना है।

बकी बार्न्स थंडरबोल्ट्स* में एकमात्र MC…
बकी बार्न्स थंडरबोल्ट्स* में एकमात्र MC…
Bucky Barnes is the only MCU character in Thunderbolts* who I’ve noticed isn’t wearing a superhero outfit, and I believe the answers are in Captain America: Brave New World. Known for wearing one of the most famous and iconic MCU…
“कैप्टन अमेरिकाः ब्रेव न्यू वर्ल्…
In “Captain America: Brave New World,” director Julius Onah has confirmed that the movie’s post-credits scene teases the Illuminati, a group that last appeared in “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.” The Illuminati were originally set to appear in…
अपने प्रीमियर के एक सप्ताह बाद, रॉटन टो…
One week after its premiere, Captain America: Brave New World’s audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes surpasses that of The Marvels, the greatest box office failure in the MCU. The fourth Captain America film in the MCU and the first without…
स्टीव रोजर्स को MCU के कैप्टन अमेरिका क…
The subject of why Steve Rogers was supplanted as the MCU’s Captain America has gained fresh life with the release of Captain America: Brave fresh World. Since his debut in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers has been…
‘कैप्टन अमेरिकाः ब्रेव न्यू वर्ल्…
“Captain America: Brave New World” marks a significant milestone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), featuring Anthony Mackie in his first standalone film as Captain America. The movie sees Sam Wilson, formerly known as the Falcon, stepping into the iconic…