अवेंजर्स के पारे: मार्वल सिनेमैटिक यूनिवर्स में मिडनाइट सेंट्स का अन्वेषण

मार्वल के फैंस के लिए खुशखबरी! रिपोर्टो…
मार्वल के फैंस के लिए खुशखबरी! रिपोर्टो…
Exciting news for Marvel fans! Reports suggest that the upcoming film ‘Midnight Sons’ will feature a roster of characters that were not part of the Avengers team. This unique approach sets the stage for a fresh and intriguing storyline that…
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is teasing an extensive lineup of post-launch DLC heroes, including beloved comic book icons like Storm and Venom.An unusual Marvel’s Midnight Suns marketing campaign has seemingly confirmed several upcoming DLC heroes, including Storm and Venom. The upcoming tactical RPG…
Get ready to tune in, Marvelites! The highly anticipated game Marvel’s Midnight Suns is gearing up for their December 2, 2022 release with a series of livestreams, all available to view on Twitch and YouTube! Marvel’s Midnight Suns developers will be on stream to talk about the…
Publisher 2K and developer Firaxis have detailed the Marvel’s Midnight Suns Season Pass, available as part of the “Legendary Edition” of the game and for individual purchase. It will feature new characters from across the Marvel Universe, including Deadpool, Venom, Morbius, and Storm. Marvel’s…