एक पुराने मार्वल खलनायक के नए रूप का मुकाबला पुनीशर से होगा

एक महान पर्यवेक्षक के उत्तराधिकारी का स…
एक महान पर्यवेक्षक के उत्तराधिकारी का स…
The heir of a legendary supervillain is being faced up against Marvel’s new Punisher, and she is much more terrible. The Punisher’s title character, who is making a bold getaway from two cops after him, is surprisingly afraid of the…
नई मार्वल सिनेमैटिक यूनिवर्स श्रृंखला म…
The new Marvel Cinematic Universe series will not only have the Netflix adaptation of Daredevil: Born Again as canon, but it also seems like events from The Punisher will serve as pointers for the highly anticipated series. Important events from…
द पनिशर के अभिनेता जॉन बर्नथल ने चर्चा …
Actor Jon Bernthal of The Punisher discussed what he thinks makes Frank Castle relatable to different audiences. In an interview, Bernthal discussed the kinds of individuals and occupations who could be drawn to Frank Castle’s harsh brand of justice for…
मार्वल के नए पुनीशर ने नाइट शिफ्ट को पु…
The new Punisher from Marvel revived the Night Shift. A sneak peek at the next Punisher from writer Devid Pepose, illustrator Dave Wachter, and colorist Dan Brown at Marvel Comics shows how Joe Garrison, the most recent vigilante to take…
मार्वल कॉमिक्स का नवीनतम पुनीशर धमाके क…
The newest Punisher from Marvel Comics arrives with a bang. In the teaser for Marvel’s upcoming Punisher, written by David Pepose, drawn by Dave Wachter and coloured by Dan Brown, two detectives from New York City stumble upon an explosive…