मुझे लगता है कि मैंने समझ लिया है कि कैप्टन अमेरिका: ब्रेव न्यू वर्ल्ड देखने के बाद बकी बार्न्स थंडरबोल्ट्स* के एकमात्र सदस्य क्यों नहीं हैं, जिन्होंने सुपरहीरो सूट नहीं पहना है।

बकी बार्न्स थंडरबोल्ट्स* में एकमात्र MC…
बकी बार्न्स थंडरबोल्ट्स* में एकमात्र MC…
Bucky Barnes is the only MCU character in Thunderbolts* who I’ve noticed isn’t wearing a superhero outfit, and I believe the answers are in Captain America: Brave New World. Known for wearing one of the most famous and iconic MCU…
एवेंजर्स: डूम्सडे का विचार नायकों को एक…
An Avengers: Doomsday idea pits heroes against one another in a devastating fashion, upending the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A hero crash served as the basis for one of the finest MCU movies. It’s Captain America: Civil War, incidentally. In essence,…
MCU में कुछ सबसे अद्भुत कौशल डेयरडेविल …
Some of the most amazing skills in the MCU are possessed by Daredevil. After gaining his abilities as a youngster at the expense of his vision, Matthew Murdock (Charlie Cox) underwent years of physical fitness and martial arts instruction in…
हालांकि MCU सीरीज़ व्यापक दर्शकों के बी…
Although the MCU series is popular with broad audiences, reviewers have given Marvel’s Daredevil: Born Again a lower rating than Netflix’s Daredevil’s first three seasons. With the reappearance of an infuriated Bullseye and an even more ambitious Wilson Fisk, Daredevil:…
दो टेंटपोल फेज 5 फिल्मों के बीच नौ एपिस…
With nine episodes aired in between two tentpole Phase 5 films, Matt Murdock’s debut MCU series, Daredevil: Born Again, transforms the MCU’s street-level universe. The big-screen Captain America: Brave New World and the small-screen Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man marked the…