गोपनीय आक्रमण द्वारा कैरोल डैनवर्स के संबंध में एक महत्वपूर्ण सवाल सबूत आपत्ति करता है

गोपनीय आक्रमण में निक फ्यूरी की गलतियों…
गोपनीय आक्रमण में निक फ्यूरी की गलतियों…
Among other things, Secret Invasion examines Nick Fury’s errors in great detail. After a lengthy hiatus, Samuel L. Jackson’s superspy finds his talents rusty and the enemy knocking on his door when he returns to Earth. After 30 years, the…
सीक्रेट इनवेजन में मार्वल सिनेमैटिक यून…
Numerous sinister realities about the Marvel Cinematic Universe are revealed in Secret Invasion. Fans were able to witness how well-established the Skrulls’ impersonation of media professionals, politicians, and other global elite individuals is in Episode 2, “Promises,” which was shown…
सैम्यूल एल जैक्सन का निक फ्यूरी सीक्रेट…
While Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury returns to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Secret Invasion, he isn’t the only recognisable character in the new Disney+ series. Despite the fact that Fury is becoming more and more alone, the second episode…
प्रशंसक ब्लैक विडो के रूप में स्कारलेट …
Fans have been hoping for the return of Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, but unfortunately, in a recent interview with the Goop Show, she revealed that it’s not happening. She stated that her time as Black Widow is over and…
एंथनी मैकी, जो कैप्टन अमेरिका: ब्रेव न्…
Anthony Mackie, who played Sam Wilson/Falcon in Captain America: Brave New World, admitted that he initially had no idea that he would be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Following a meeting with producers Nate Moore and Joe and…