केविन फीगे ने खुलासा किया कि डेडपूल और वूल्वरिन में ह्यू जैकमैन के लोगन में क्या अंतर है।

ह्यू जैकमैन ने सात साल की अनुपस्थिति के…
ह्यू जैकमैन ने सात साल की अनुपस्थिति के…
Hugh Jackman reprises his role as Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine after a seven-year absence, bringing an iconic character to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though Jackman’s Logan in the team-up picture will retain what made him beloved in…
अगली फ़िल्म डेडपूल और वूल्वरिन में, ह्य…
In the next film Deadpool & Wolverine, Hugh Jackman and Dafne Keen, who starred in Logan, will reconnect as their respective characters. On the red carpet for the movie’s premiere, the two had another out-of-character reunion away from the big…
डेडपूल और वूल्वरिन को मिली शुरुआती प्रत…
Early responses to Deadpool & Wolverine suggest that this new movie is among the finest Marvel Studios productions ever. This will undoubtedly be interpreted as a positive indication of the film’s caliber just before its theatrical debut. Deadpool & Wolverine…
डेडपूल और वूल्वरिन की रिलीज़ लगभग करीब …
Deadpool & Wolverine’s release is almost approaching, and with it, several big surprises that have been teased for attendees will finally be unveiled. Major spoilers will soon begin to appear on social media, and Marvel Studios is cautioning moviegoers to…
मार्वल अपनी छवि को एक ऐसी कंपनी के रूप …
Marvel keeps up its image as a company that goes above and beyond to keep spoilers from escaping. In the most recent case, the studio rescheduled a few key events to prevent spoilers from making their way online and harming…