What If.? अफवाहें: क्या सीजन 4 मार्वल के एनीमेटेड सीरीज का ग्रैंड फिनाले है?

मार्वल एनिमेशन की दुनिया अफवाहों से भरी…
मार्वल एनिमेशन की दुनिया अफवाहों से भरी…
The world of Marvel animation has been abuzz with rumors that the fourth season of What If.? may be the final installment of the series. While there has been no official confirmation from Marvel Studios, fans have been speculating about…
मार्वल ‘स व्हाट इफ? अपने प्रीमियर…
Marvel’s What If.? has been a hit with fans since its premiere, but the show has yet to include any X-Men characters. According to creators Bryan Andrews and A.C. Bradley, Marvel Studios wants to make sure those characters debut in…
व्हाट इफ…? के निर्देशक और कार्यकारी निर…
Bryan Andrews, the director and executive producer of What If…?, says the next Marvel Zombies TV series will be “crazy”. It was previously reported that Marvel Zombies, an animated anthology series, will have a spinoff programme. After What If…? Season…
मार्वल की व्हाट इफ़…? मुख्य लेखक संभावि…
Marvel’s What If…? The head writer talks about a potentially “very dark” Spider-Man episode that was shelved in the middle of filming. What If…?’s chief writer, A.C. Bradley, talked about the process of creating many episodes in an interview that…
व्हाट इफ़…? एंथोलॉजी श्रृंखला के मुख्य …
What If…? A.C. Bradley, the lead writer of the anthology series, has clarified how Season 2 concluded. The Season 2 conclusion, “What If… Strange Supreme Intervened?” imagines an ultimate clash between Strange Supreme and Captain Carter and Kahhori, and it brings…