Now that her adventure has come to a conclusion, Secret Invasion actress Cobie Smulders revealed her favourite sequence from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Smulders was questioned on her proudest MCU experience during an interview. She warmly remembered a memorable scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier as she thought back on her experiences. “I did enjoy how I broke into that armoured car and saved many of the Avengers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” she remarked. It was a very human moment, so it was pretty great. It was enjoyable. The sequence stood out because it had a realistic human factor and demonstrated her character’s bravery and ingenuity.
Smulders expressed appreciation for the chances to add humour to her performances. She said that, although her primary function frequently entails giving essential details and setting the stage for later events, she really enjoys the opportunities she gets to perform her own stunts and display her comic timing and physical prowess. “I appreciate any opportunity to be humorous, and there are many opportunities to do so, but typically my role is to inform the audience of what is going on,” she stated. I’ll see you in 30 minutes. This is what we need to obtain, and these are the folks who are going to attempt to acquire it. My favourite memories simply involve the individuals I’ve been fortunate to get to know over the years and become friends with. The opportunity I’ve had to pull off my own stunts and be humorous have been fantastic.
However, Smulders emphasised that her most treasured memories from her MCU adventure lie in the connections she has developed over the years rather than specific moments. The gifted actress has found consistent satisfaction in the friendship amongst the cast and crew, which emphasises the sincere ties made behind the scenes. Smulders, who played Maria Hill in Secret Invasion, sensibly chose not to confirm or deny the death of her character. Maria Hill helps Nick Fury reintegrate into the group in the first episode, but she tragically perishes in a Skrull terrorist strike. As she sensibly deferred to the storytellers, Smulders acknowledged the multiverse’s existence by saying, “I don’t know, I don’t write these stories.”