In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios may have discovered a solution to its Kang the Conqueror dilemma. Following the casting of Jonathan Majors as Kang, which he has reprised in Season 2 of Loki, the intention at Marvel Studios was to use the actor as the main antagonist in the next Avengers films. Majors was removed from his role as Kang and confirmed to be absent from the production of Avengers 5 following a trial that found him guilty of assault and harassment of a previous partner. Amidst speculations that Marvel Studios considered Colman Domingo as a top candidate to be Kang’s replacement, it was revealed that the character will either be recast or removed entirely from the MCU.
Although the rumour hasn’t been confirmed, many Marvel fans have expressed support for the possible recasting online. Some are citing Domingo’s shown acting prowess, which includes earning a Golden Globe and an Emmy for the Netflix film Rustin as well as an Emmy for the HBO series Euphoria. Several fans have commented on how simple it is for them to see Domingo replacing Kang, implying that the potential recasting would go really smoothly. In any event, Domingo’s portrayal of Kang has received a lot of love from Marvel fans, which will undoubtedly improve his chances of getting the part.
It’s unclear whether Domingo has been contacted by Marvel to assume the role of Kang in the MCU. But the actor has already talked about wanting to play a role in that universe, so it’s possible that he might be open to portraying Kang. Regarding a potential MCU entry in 2022, Domingo declared, “I’m stepping in… In terms of Marvel and DC, I feel like I’m ready right now. I’m fit and well-worked. I believe I want to be the bad guy. All I want to do is play the bad guy. I have no desire to be the nice guy. I truly want to work on some very filthy, unpleasant projects.” There have been other names mentioned as potential substitutes for Jonathan Majors’ role as Kang, including Domingo. John Boyega, a star of Star Wars, has also been a popular choice. Boyega could have be eliminated from consideration, though, as he has previously expressed uncertainty about his enthusiasm in playing the role. In any case, judging from his previous remarks, Domingo appears to be far more receptive to the part.
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