The last pivotal fight scene in The Marvels is depicted in concept art in a totally different order than it is in the theatrical production. Concept artist Lixin Yin shared keyframes from the Captain Marvel sequel on the social networking site X. Monica Rambeau, Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) were shown repairing the multiversal space gap that Dar-Benn had created in two keyframes that Yin had sent. This is not at all like the theatrical version, when Rambeau is powered up by Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel to shut the split from the other side while “sacrificing” herself.
CanWeGetToast, a social media user, was the first to report about The Marvels’ original last fight. “Kamala’s new outfit at first became a space suit. which CouldWeGetToast said, “would have been used to join Carol and Monica to close the rip in space-time TOGETHER.” Ms. Marvel is seen in Yin’s concept art as wearing a kind of silver suit while she works alongside Captain Marvel and Rambeau to mend the space gap. The revelation that Captain Marvel and Valkyrie were dating, Ms. Marvel being subjected to torture by Dar-Benn, and Prince Yan giving the heroines new outfits (with Rambeau ripping off the wings of her new, comic-accurate costume) are among the other moments from The Marvels that are purportedly missing. Concept art of other Skull designs for The Marvels was also published by Yin. “I designed a great deal for Skrulls. such as researchers, military personnel, citizens, and religious people,” Yin remarked. “But so far, I can only post this 2.” Finally, Yin posted a number of keyframes showing Rambeau soaring over the skies.