The Marvel Netflix shows, also known as the Defenders saga, have finally been added to the official MCU timeline page on Disney+. This includes Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Punisher, and The Defenders. Fans have been waiting for this news for a long time, and it’s exciting to see these beloved characters officially recognized as part of the MCU.
While the Defenders saga has been available on Disney+ for some time, it’s been unclear whether they were considered part of the official MCU timeline. However, with their addition to the timeline page, it’s clear that Marvel Studios sees these shows as important pieces of the larger MCU puzzle. This is great news for fans who have been hoping to see these characters interact with their big-screen counterparts.
It’s worth noting that while the Defenders saga has been added to the official MCU timeline page, it’s unclear how these characters will be integrated into future MCU projects. With the multiverse now in play, anything is possible. However, for now, fans can enjoy watching these shows and speculating about how they might fit into the larger MCU. And with Daredevil: Born Again on the way, there’s never been a better time to dive back into the Defenders saga and experience these characters’ adventures all over again.
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