Denzel Washington declines iconic Marvel role and other news

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In recent news, Denzel Washington, renowned for his role in “The Equalizer,” has made headlines by turning down an offer from Marvel Studios. The opportunity presented him with the chance to portray one of the most significant characters in Marvel history, Galactus. Marvel Studios reportedly approached several A-list actors for the role, but Washington declined the offer due to the meager payment offered for a voice acting role.

The issue of low payment for voice acting in Hollywood is not uncommon. Voice actors are usually compensated with rates ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 per recording session, regardless of the character’s importance. However, for a colossal character like Galactus, many actors may find it difficult to accept such a modest paycheck. In some cases, actors may negotiate for their likeness to be incorporated into the character, which could command a higher fee. Denzel Washington, with his iconic status and commanding presence, would undoubtedly be worth a higher compensation package with his likeness attached.

While Denzel Washington’s decision to decline the Marvel offer is understandable, it represents a missed opportunity for the studio. Galactus is a highly anticipated character, and his appearance in a film, possibly “Fantastic Four,” is expected to be a blockbuster success. As the potential main villain in future Avengers movies, Galactus would play a pivotal role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Washington’s distinctive voice would have been a perfect fit for the cosmic character, but he chose to take a stand and refused to settle for being underpaid. Marvel Studios will now have to search for an equally talented actor to fill the role of Galactus and ensure the character’s portrayal lives up to the anticipation.

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