Hayley Atwell admits that information regarding Peggy Carter’s marriage was originally included in Captain America: The Winter Soldier but was deleted during production. Hayley Atwell, well known for her role as Peggy Carter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), has revealed a fascinating fact about her character’s romantic life in a recent interview. “I remember when I was filming it, the prop master had put a framed photograph of Peggy with her husband and children on Peggy’s bedside, and Louis de Esposito ran over just before we started rolling, saying ‘take that out,'” she explained. We still don’t know. We don’t want to restrict ourselves by implying that this is who she’s married to.”
The omission of the framed image from The Winter Soldier demonstrates Marvel’s desire to leave Peggy’s romantic future open to interpretation. The studio’s strategy attempts to provide what the public wants while exceeding their expectations. Atwell appreciates Marvel’s ability to deliver just enough information to keep viewers interested while surprising them with unexpected twists. In Avengers: Endgame, Peggy Carter finally had her long-awaited dance with Steve Rogers (played by Chris Evans). Meanwhile, Peggy’s love interest in Agent Carter, Daniel Sousa (played by Enver Gjokaj), began on his own adventure, appearing in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., time-traveling to the present day, and falling in love with Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennett). Despite these changes, since Agent Carter finished after two seasons, the curiosity of what may have been between Peggy and Sousa has lingered.
Although Atwell would not predict the outcome of Peggy and Sousa’s relationship, she did express her aspirations for Peggy’s character growth in a possible third season and beyond. She admires Peggy’s empowering phrase, “I know my worth.” Anyone else’s viewpoint is irrelevant.” “What a great thing to be spreading, especially for younger people watching that going, ‘Oh, you can be brilliant at your job and not get the credit that you deserve, but that doesn’t stop you from cultivating a strong sense, a healthy sense of self-esteem,” Atwell says.