Disney’s Desperate Move: Ms. Marvel Takes the Spotlight on ABC to Save The Marvels

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Disney’s constant commitment to promoting Ms. Marvel as the face of the Marvel Universe has been greeted with difficulties. Despite greatest efforts to build buzz for the character, the current Ms. Marvel Disney Plus program failed to perform successfully, earning mixed reviews and falling short in viewership statistics. Disney is now taking attempts to rescue the situation by showing the show on ABC, aiming to draw a broader audience. However, worries emerge regarding the efficiency of this plan, considering the dwindling viewership of Disney-owned networks and the potential of ABC being sold off.

The problems experienced by Disney in advertising Ms. Marvel underscore their ambition to rejuvenate the character and position her as a prominent component in the Marvel Universe. Multiple efforts, including appearances in comics, video games, cartoon series, and planned ventures like X-Men 97, demonstrate Disney’s continuous pursuit of success. However, the dismal performance of the Disney Plus program and the necessity for a successful Marvel project have prompted Disney to pursue desperate measures.

By selecting to run the Ms. Marvel program on ABC, Disney intends to attract a bigger audience beyond the Disney Plus barrier. However, concerns persist over the efficiency of this initiative, especially considering the dwindling viewership and the impending sale of ABC. With Disney’s recent failures in the Marvel picture lineup and concerns about the future of their channels, the destiny of Ms. Marvel and the success of Disney’s strategy hang in the balance.

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