In a recent interview, Elizabeth Olsen, known for her portrayal of Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), shared her thoughts on the fan-favorite Funko Pop toys and her future in the MCU. Olsen expressed her amusement at seeing the Funko Pop figures of her character and other Marvel heroes in stores. She even joked about wanting to get the new Doctor Strange toy after the release of the upcoming film. However, she playfully admitted her disappointment at not finding enough Scarlet Witch and Black Widow figures in stores during her visits to the States, as they were dominated by male characters. Nevertheless, she acknowledged the charm of the Funko Pops and understood why they were loved by fans.
When asked about the possibility of a solo Scarlet Witch movie, Olsen seemed open to the idea but emphasized the importance of having a compelling story to justify such a project. For her, it’s not about doing something just for the sake of it, but rather having a meaningful narrative that adds value to the character and the MCU as a whole. She appreciated the input from fans and recognized their brilliant ideas, suggesting that fan interaction could positively influence the future direction of the character. Elizabeth Olsen’s enthusiasm and receptiveness towards fans’ feedback hint at a bright and exciting future for Scarlet Witch in the MCU, making fans hopeful to see more of her and other female heroes on the shelves of stores worldwide.