With the impending release of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Marvel Animation is poised to shatter an MCU TV program record for the second time. With a few twists, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which is set in an alternate world within the MCU’s multiverse, will tell the genesis tale of Peter Parker, played by Hudson Thames, as Spider-Man. This is a storyline that the live-action MCU hasn’t explored. The next episode in the MCU, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, is scheduled to debut on January 29, 2025, and is anticipated to shatter a significant Marvel record. In Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Hudson Thames, who previously voiced Peter Parker’s Spider-Man in What If…?, will get the opportunity to create a brand-new version of the venerable Marvel wall-crawler from the ground up. The next Multiverse Saga series will have a completely different dynamic as Colman Domingo’s Norman Osborn takes over as Peter Parker’s mentor in place of Tony Stark. In Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Marvel will be able to explore a number of intriguing themes that will develop over the course of a staggering 10 episodes. There will be 10 episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, according to confirmation. It’s probable that the series may premiere twice on January 29 before switching back to a weekly release schedule, much like other MCU programs have done. Unlike anything Marvel Studios has ever done before, the debut trailer for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man showcases the series’ distinctive animation style and highlights some of the most anticipated shocks. Only one other series has surpassed the 10 episodes that Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has, breaking the MCU series record.
Season 1 of 2024’s X-Men ’97 is the only other Marvel Studios TV series with 10 episodes. The longest programs in the MCU are X-Men ’97 and Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, while all live-action series that have been aired on Disney+ have had nine episodes or fewer. However, Loki and What If…? have had numerous seasons, which has increased their episode count. Wonder Man, the first live-action MCU series with 10 episodes, is anticipated to surpass this record when it premieres in December 2025. The MCU’s universe has other worlds in both X-Men ’97 and Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Given that these series require more setup to create the universe than those based in the MCU’s primary timeline of Earth-616, there may be more episodes than is often required. It’s highly anticipated that Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man will significantly alter Peter Parker’s plot, and the increased number of episodes further enhances this.
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