Goose, a Flerken extraterrestrial who resembles a domestic cat, will allegedly play a key part in the next Marvel Studios film The Marvels. In an interview, executive producer Mary Livanos stated that Goose’s comeback will play a big role in the film. “She is full of surprises,” Livanos told Entertainment Weekly. “And she certainly has a lot in store for us over the course of this story.” Goose originally featured in Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel, where Carol Danvers adopts what looks to be a normal house cat until her extraterrestrial tentacles are revealed. Danvers and a teenage Nick Fury eventually learn that she is a Flerken moments before she scratches out the future S.H.I.E.L.D. director’s left eye. Goose has now become a fan favourite, but despite her fame, she has yet to feature in any Marvel properties.
The extraterrestrial in disguise will now return in a much anticipated sequel, and the two cats that previously played her will repeat their roles. Nemo and Tango, the two real-life cats that play Goose in the film, were apparently popular on set, along with numerous other kittens used in other situations. While Goose is the film’s major animal hero, trailers show many cat-like creatures roaming around, leading to conjecture that they, too, are Flerkens and may be related to Goose. Real-life cats portrayed the kittens, which Livanos claimed made the cast and crew very pleased. Some crew members, she claims, even chose favourites and spent time with them after filming.
The Marvels follows Ms. Marvel’s Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani), Larson’s Captain Marvel, and Teyonah Parris’ Monica Rambeau as they exchange lives in a twist of fate that leads to a superpowered team-up. It will be the first crossover for Kamala and her idol, Carol Danvers, who inspired her name and character. Goose’s position in the future film has not been revealed by Marvel Studios, but the two cats were such a presence on production that the crew had to remove them for sequences with Brie Larson, who is sensitive to their fur. Because of her allergy, most of her interactions with the Flerken will apparently be CGI-generated, like they were in Captain Marvel.