Thankfully, there aren’t many cameos from Marvel Cinematic Universe characters in the first half of the Disney+ series Secret Invasion. James Rhodes, the solitary Avenger in the series, turns out to be a Skrull substitute. This is more than just a cheap prank; it’s a significant development for both this programme and the next Armour Wars film. Another discovery, namely that Nick Fury’s wife also seems to be working with Gravik, obscured the fact that James Rhodes may be a Skrull. She is sent to a safe deposit box that contains a pistol, so her assignment is apparent. She must murder her spouse. She anticipates Gravik when her phone rings, but it’s a different voice. Don Cheadle’s voice is recognisable even if his identity is not revealed by the dialogue or the closed captions. War Machine is the most prominent Skrull impersonator to MCU fans, even though Priscilla’s defection may have more of an impact on Fury. It not only contextualises his verbal confrontation with Fury, but it also raises the possibility of more serious issues in the future.

The Avengers have disappeared into the background ever since they saved the universe from Thanos and his murderous snap. When asked where Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are, not even Talos, who played Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home, knows what to respond. Steve Rogers walked away. Black Widow and Tony Stark passed away. The Hulk disappeared into outer space. Every Avenger seemed to have distanced themselves from the spotlight in favour of concentrating on their families, losses, or grief. Despite being pretty well-known, Scott Lang is more of a celebrity than a superhero, as Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania shown. James Rhodes, who has a position of authority inside the US government, is now the public face of the Avengers.
Nick Fury presents a convincing argument against summoning the other heroes during their debate in the restaurant. But if Rhodey really is a Skrull impostor, his advice to “call [their] friends” takes on a whole new significance. He probably wants to create the scenario Fury cautions of, rather than rallying the Avengers to preserve mankind. Gravik feels that the Skrulls will be freed from what they see to be human oppression if Skrulls can make the world hostile towards superheroes.
Fury already has little faith in Rhodey; he tells Bob that “no one” addresses him by his first name, despite Rhodey doing so. This might be the reason that Rhodey “activates” Varra in the climactic climax. Furthermore, it’s doubtful that the Skrulls chose him because of his access to Stark technology. The Skrulls are scavengers, but their primary goal is to gather abilities rather than technology. Rhodey was probably selected because of his close closeness to the US’s centre of power and his heroism. Both may be quite helpful in Gravik’s effort to create strife. Fans may, however, fairly anticipate that the actual James Rhodes will be saved unharmed.

The person behind War Machine, like Wong, is another “sidekick” of a significant Marvel superhero who is utilised to establish ties between Phase 4 and 5 tales. Almost definitely the real Rhodey, he also appeared in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. He is probably the owner of Tony Stark’s most lethal invention, based on his position in the government and the investigation Happy Hogan disclosed in Spider-Man: No Way Home. Either his successor Skrull doesn’t care, or worse still, they spread the technology to further spread havoc using that access. The issue that Rhodey must resolve in Armour Wars most likely results from what happened in Secret Invasion.
Spy thrillers have the wonderful quality of being stories where everything is imaginable. It’s possible that Rhodey isn’t a real Skrull replacement. He can be a triple or double agent. The rifle Varra is handed may really be intended for Gravik, who is employed by the US Government. The most crucial plant for the Skrulls, though, could be James Rhodes. Politicians and media personalities come and go, but superheroes have a higher standing. There is only one thing that is completely certain: whatever Priscilla and James Rhodes have in store for Nick Fury and Talos will only make matters worse.