Marvel’s next Giant-Size Hulk issue, which will be released in April 2024, will feature an epic confrontation between the Hulk and a scary new monster named Patchwork Jack. According to Marvel, in Philip Kennedy Johnson’s Giant-Size Hulk, which has artwork by Andrea Broccardo, Bruce Banner will go on a soul-crushing adventure against mystical forces. The publisher hints that the danger Hulk faces could only be contained in a giant-sized issue. In Giant-Size Hulk, the Jade Giant and Patchwork Jack will engage in a never-ending battle on a thrilling train trip. “Riding the rails is no walk in the park, especially for the Incredible Hulk!” is Marvel’s description of the issue. And especially when something, no, someone has been taken from him by a new, horrifying menace that has malicious intentions. “Make way for the Hulk, he’s on his way!” As part of Marvel’s 50th anniversary celebration, Giant-Size Hulk pays homage to the legendary Giant-Size comics narrative of the 1970s. The initial issue releases of Giant-Size Spider-Man in January, Giant-Size Fantastic Four in February, and Giant-Size Spider-Gwen in March were preceded by the release of Giant-Size Hulk. Marvel claims that significant status quo adjustments, fascinating first appearances, and dramatic events will all be present in the next Giant-Size issues.

Johnson talked about the forthcoming Giant-Size Hulk and his approach to the project. Johnson is presently receiving a lot of praise for his Incredible Hulk comics. I’ve been following the North Star on Incredible Hulk, which is to turn every issue into a horror and action showcase for the incredible artists I’ve had the honour of working with,” the writer said. Johnson went on, “To make sure fans don’t miss a single page of this book’s potential, I’ve pulled out all the stops: new backstory, new monsters, fan-favorite cameos from throughout the Marvel U, the most breathtaking fights conceivable, the gnarliest changes Hulk has ever gone through… I want readers to remember this run for a very long time. And I knew we needed to step it up even more when my editors requested a Giant-Size Incredible Hulk one-shot.” Since I began writing the series, the narrative we’re presenting in Giant-Size Hulk has been simmering in the back of my head, waiting for the proper opportunity to be told, Johnson said. It encapsulates the book’s horror-focused direction and has some of the most menacing and dramatic images we’ve ever seen. In addition, a terrifying new character who I can’t wait for fans to meet—Patchwork Jack—makes his debut. No Hulk fan will want to miss this issue, I swear to you,” the author said in closing.