Tony Stark is now prepared to demonstrate the full range of capabilities of his most powerful armour. The main character of Invincible Iron Man is found in the Australian Outback, where Orchis predicts that mutantkind will make one final stand against its oppressors, humans and artificial intelligence. Rather, there is just Iron Man, donning his amazing, yet mysterium-laced Mark 72 armour, which is really the flight suit for the much bigger and more potent Sentinel Buster.

Tony Stark, who isn’t a mutant, has faced a lot of harassment and abuse from Orchis’ leadership in the fight for the future of mutantkind, much like his fellow mutants. Fei Long, the corporate tyrant with artificial enhancements who took over Stark Unlimited and all of its technology and resources, has been the main cause of Tony’s problems. Since then, Fei Long has integrated the most advanced technologies of Iron Man into Orchis’ new Stark Sentinel series. Due to this, Tony and Fei Long have engaged in several battles, none of which have ended well for the Avenger. Tony has also been forced by the circumstances to employ more subversive strategies than he is accustomed to, chief among them being the creation of a way to maintain Emma Frost—his assistant turned love interest—hidden in plain sight as Ms. Hazel.
Even though Tony and Emma have collaborated in secret, they have learned some rather shocking things about the real motivations of their common adversaries. Among these include the fact that Fei Long was raised by mutant parents, whom he eventually came to hate and hate for not having any mutant talents of his own. This finally led him to join Orchis and wage war against the mutant race, but his takeover of Stark Unlimited seems to have originated from a more commonplace ambition to become well-known by exploiting the labours of others.