James Gunn, the filmmaker of Guardians of the Galaxy, offered his concept for a short film about how Rocket Raccoon met Groot. “I wrote a short film explaining how Rocket and Groot met,” Gunn explained on Threads. “We even storyboarded it, scouted locations, and shot test footage for it (which was shown at SDCC in the ‘trailer’ we put together after 12 days of shooting).” But I didn’t have time because Vol 1 was so intense. Tibius Lark, Groot, and Rocket were all imprisoned in it, which was a deep hole under the earth. Tibius was on the edge of passing away. He told Rocket that he had been caring for Groot for years.”
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Gunn came up with the concept after a fan inquired about the origins of Tibius Lark, a figure referenced briefly in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film. “He was a former zookeeper in a shitty galactic-side zoo,” the filmmaker writes. He stated that he had saved Groot, who was on display, and that Groot was a faithful companion. He begged Rocket to take care of him before passing away. Rocket peered down in the dark cage as he died and discovered he was a robot, his lower torso shattered apart and mechanical.”
“The guards above ground heard something rumbling and turned & saw Rocket & Groot bursting up from the ground,” Gunn continued, “Rocket on Groot’s shoulder, & in Rocket’s hands was a machine gun made from Tibius Lark’s body, & he shot all the guards & they escaped & were together until they met the Guardians.” Tibius Lark was like that.”
Marvel Studios published I Am Groot on Disney+ in August 2022, a series of five animated short films detailing Baby Groot’s travels between the events of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and the end of GOTG Vol. 2. Rocket appears in one episode of the series, taking up a father role for his newborn buddy, although the episode does not dig into the history of their connection in the manner that Gunn’s suggested short film would. In Gunn’s absence, Marvel may be working on additional Groot shorts, but it’s unclear whether the company will employ his idea in the future.
Gunn’s ideas to expand the Guardians series included more than just a Rocket and Groot short film. The filmmaker recently unveiled his and Chris Pratt’s concept for a solo Peter Quill film. “Chris and I have always talked about how great it would be to do a Legendary Star-Lord film,” Gunn remarked. “A story about Star-Lord on Earth attempting to adapt to the Earth’s environment in the same way that someone else might attempt to adapt to the alien environment of outer space.” He’s a fish out of water in any sort of water. So I’m excited to watch it.”
Though Gunn’s status as co-CEO and co-President of DC Studios precludes him from participating in future Marvel Studios films, the ending of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 assures fans that “The Legendary Star-Lord Will Return.” It is presently uncertain if the character will star in his own standalone film or serve as a supporting role in another MCU production, like he did in Thor: Love and Thunder.