After Madame Web, Sidney Sweeney talked on Julia Carpenter’s probable MCU future. When asked about Spider-Woman’s probable continuation in the MCU, the actress was evasive. Sweeney recounted her initial enthusiasm at being offered the part, adding, “I was flipping out, of course. I immediately went to the comic book shop and purchased every issue that featured my character. Adding, “I think it’s different from what people expect a superhero movie to be,” she also alluded to the film’s singularity. Mention that! That is a quotation because anything else we say will be covered by the tabloids. Sweeney’s reaction to the question of whether standalone Spider-Woman films were possible was enticingly evasive. She said, “Coy yes.” Sweeney’s excitement goes beyond acting; in addition, she talked about her production firm, Fifty-Fifty Films, which reflects her conviction in justice. “I like knowing the person that’s doing this with me is eating the same and is putting in the same, and we’re both going to kill it because we both know we’ve got each other’s back,” she added.
She has a number of future projects, including Anyone But You, Immaculate, a horror movie, and a fresh take on Barbarella. Sweeney praised the first when talking about the latter, stating she would “absolutely love” to meet with Jane Fonda and pointing out that the first was about “women owning their power.” Sweeney furthered her belief in female empowerment when she declared, “I feel strength in my femininity. I utilise my knowledge and all I’m learning about this field every single day as my strength. Understanding is everything. She recognised her love for her profession and the difficulty of juggling her personal life while pursuing her job, adding, “Sometimes I adore this crazy run I’m on, because I fall in love with so many characters and I want to play them all… But I believe I would become quite shaky. I enjoy the pandemonium. Sweeney also lamented about gossip and misconceptions, saying, “It’s hard to sit back and watch, and not be able to stand up for yourself.”