The post-credit scene for Loki Season 2 Episode 1 has left some fans disappointed because the trailers have already shown us what it’s setting up. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of excitement and anticipation for what’s to come. The post-credit scene features Sylvie, who has just escaped in Season 1, hiding out in Oklahoma in the early 80s and wandering into a McDonald’s. While this may not come as a surprise to those who have seen the trailers, it’s still an important moment in terms of the story that could be told, as it involves time travel. It’s unclear whether this scene takes place directly in the proper MCU or some other branch of the sacred timeline, which could play into the story in interesting ways.
One interesting aspect of the post-credit scene is that Sylvie seems to want to escape and live a normal life. She appears relieved to be in a small town with people who don’t seem significant for the bigger picture or the threat she has seen. She almost seems to have found her calling as a McDonald’s employee, which is a nice safety net for her, at least for now. However, it’s clear that this safety net is going to start falling apart, and it will be interesting to see how the story unfolds from here.
Overall, while the post-credit scene for Loki Season 2 Episode 1 may not have been a huge surprise, it still sets up an intriguing story involving time travel and the consequences of Sylvie’s actions. It will be interesting to see how the story develops in the upcoming episodes, and how Sylvie’s desire for a normal life will clash with the larger threats at play. Fans are eagerly anticipating what’s to come in the rest of the season, as well as the upcoming MetaHuman and Above Season 2 Episode 1 audio commentary.