The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for its attention to detail and intricate storytelling, and the upcoming season of Loki promises to be no exception. According to Cryptic4KQual, there will be a callback to The Avengers in Episode 2 of the show. While this callback may not be huge, it is sure to delight fans who have been eagerly waiting for the return of the God of Mischief.
The callback to The Avengers in Episode 2 of Loki is sure to be a nostalgic moment for fans of the MCU. The first Avengers movie was a significant moment in the franchise’s history, and any reference to it is sure to be greeted with excitement. While the exact nature of the callback is currently unknown, fans can rest assured that it will be a carefully crafted moment that adds to the show’s overall narrative. So, be sure to tune in to Episode 2 of Loki to see what this callback entails.
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