Avengers: Infinity War hit theaters in 2018 and was met with mixed reactions from fans. One of the biggest criticisms of the film was the Hulk’s storyline. Fans were disappointed that the Hulk did not show up during the final battle in Wakanda. Mark Ruffalo, who plays the Hulk, recently defended the decision to keep the Hulk out of the fight.
At Emerald City Comic-Con, Ruffalo spoke about the Hulk’s journey in the film. He explained that the Hulk was originally supposed to bust out of the Hulkbuster armor in Wakanda, but the scene did not work after four attempts. The Russo brothers, who directed the film, decided that the Hulk could not save the day again and that Banner had to face defeat without his alter-ego. Ruffalo agreed with this decision, stating that it was better for the story.
Ruffalo also praised Marvel Studios for their collaborative approach to filmmaking. He explained that Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige asks the actors where they want to see their characters’ stories go. Ruffalo sees this as something that keeps the franchise lively and interesting for both the actors and the fans.
The Hulk’s storyline in Avengers: Infinity War was controversial, but Ruffalo’s defense of the decision shows that the filmmakers were willing to take risks and try something new. The Russo brothers joked about “nerfing” the Hulk and not knowing what to do with the character, but the decision to keep him out of the final battle was a deliberate choice that served the story.
Fans may still be disappointed that the Hulk did not show up during the battle, but the decision to keep him out of it was an important moment for the character. It forced Banner to confront his alter-ego and find a way to make peace with him. This journey continued in Avengers: Endgame, where the Hulk evolved into Smart Hulk, a combination of Banner and the Hulk.
In the end, the Hulk’s storyline in Avengers: Infinity War was a bold choice that paid off in the long run. It may not have been what fans were expecting, but it pushed the character in a new direction and set the stage for future films. Mark Ruffalo’s defense of the decision shows that the filmmakers were committed to telling the best story possible, even if it meant taking risks and making unpopular choices.