Marvel fans are eagerly anticipating the release of Deadpool 3, which is set to introduce the beloved character of Wolverine into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. According to recent reports, the film’s creators have planned for the return of Wolverine, with a yet-to-be-revealed character chasing Logan and Deadpool across time and multiverses, eventually leading to the MCU. This is an exciting development for fans of the X-Men franchise, as Wolverine has been a fan-favorite character for years.
The main focus of Deadpool 3 will be on the reveal of the MCU version of Logan, who will take up the mantle of Wolverine. This decision is intended to provide a seamless transition for the new actor who will be introduced, as it will allow for both the old and new actor to work together in a passing of the torch. It will be interesting to see who is cast in the role of Wolverine, as Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of the character was beloved by fans and set a high bar for any actor taking over the role.
While it’s unclear how the new version of Wolverine will fit into the larger MCU, fans are excited to see the character finally make his debut in the franchise. The emotional bond between Wolverine and Laura in Logan was a highlight of the film, and it will be interesting to see how the MCU version of the character is portrayed. With the release date of Deadpool 3 yet to be announced, fans will have to keep an eye out for any new updates about the highly-anticipated film.