By filling in some of the gaps about Iron Man’s history and revealing some intriguing details about the first Iron Man film, Marvel has given the MCU origin narrative a new twist. Not only is Iron Man the film that began it all, but 16 years later it remains a pillar of the MCU’s success and continuity. It’s reasonable to assume that Iron Man’s tale will continue to be important long after the character’s passing, since characters like Ironheart, Spider-Man, and War Machine are slated to take over Iron Man’s legacy in future MCU films and television series. As seen by Spider-Man: Far From Home, where Tony left Stark’s EDITH glasses to Peter Parker in the hopes that the young hero would be able to utilize them successfully and morally, the franchise has demonstrated its ability to retrospectively update Iron Man’s tale. Having said that, the 2024 Iron Man MCU storyline update may have been the most intriguing, since a single narrative twist raises some significant questions regarding the character’s first antagonist and the entirety of his Stark family past.
What if…? Red Guardian intervenes in the events that resulted in the murders of Howard and Maria Stark at the hands of the Winter Soldier in season 3, episode 3. This stops the Winter Soldier from eliminating the Stark family and sets off a series of events that cause both characters to turn against HYDRA and the Red Room. The pair’s encounter with “The Rook,” whom Red Guardian assumes to be a senior Soviet agent, is one of the pivotal moments that culminate at this point. But it soon becomes clear that “The Rook” is actually Obadiah Stane in a bathrobe, not working on the revolution Alexei is hoping for. “I traded the Russians some information on Stark’s hunky-dory serum, little tit-for-tat, and in return, I was supposed to be giving a tear-filled eulogy about the fool right now while they scrape his name off Stark Industries,” Stane says, explaining that he gave the Red Room information about the Super Soldier Serum that Howard Stark had recreated, which resulted in HYDRA killing Howard and his wife Maria.
In the mainline MCU, Tony holds Bucky Barnes accountable for his parents’ deaths. This is reasonable considering that Bucky actually carried out their murders, but it is complicated by the fact that Barnes was a brainwashed HYDRA assassin who virtually lacked the free will to defy his instructions. Iron Man should have been blaming someone much closer to home, though, if What If…? season 3, episode 3 is to be believed. This is because HYDRA only learned about Howard Stark’s Super Soldier Serum through Obadiah Stane. Since Tony appears to have been completely ignorant of his quasi-mentor-turned-first-villain’s role in Howard and Maria’s deaths in the main world, this idea adds intriguing nuances to Iron Man’s MCU tale. This would not only further absolve Bucky of responsibility because it would be even more obvious that the plan to kill his parents was the result of events beyond his control, but it also highlights the significance of the first Iron Man film because What If…? raises the possibility that Tony has already exacted revenge on the person who was most directly responsible for the plan to kill his parents, albeit unknowingly.

Source:- ScreenRant