Vampires have been a part of the Marvel Universe ever since the Comics Code Authority relaxed its restrictions on vampires in comics in the early 1970s (Marvel released Morbius almost immediately after the restrictions were relaxed). However, outside of a few storylines, vampires and the larger Marvel Universe have rarely interacted in a significant way. That will alter in 2019 thanks to the significant crossover event “Blood Hunt.” Jed MacKay will pen the primary miniseries for the crossover event, while renowned illustrators Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia will provide the art. The event will include tie-ins in other comic book series as well as certain spotlight miniseries that are related to it, just like pretty much every major crossover event these days.

With the slogan “Who will bite it?,” Marvel promoted the crossover with a promotional graphic created by Leinil Francis Yu and Sunny Gho. This suggests that the crossover will have some significant fatalities. We have vampires in our comics all the time; there’s some bad blood there, according to MacKay, who was mentioned in Marvel’s press release about the event. If the shoe were on the other foot, what would happen? There will be more vampires than you can shake a stick at in addition to the Avengers, Miles Morales, Doctor Strange, the Moon Knight’s Midnight Mission, and Blade. Moon Knight has included vampire hunts throughout MacKay’s tenure as showrunner, and Blade has even made appearances as a guest actor. Since Stephen Strange’s death, MacKay has been in charge of Doctor Strange (or the universe of Doctor Strange during that time), and it is important to note that one of the few significant Marvel events in the past involving vampires DID include Doctor Strange. Scarlet Witch of the Avengers, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Strange were all part of Roger Stern’s early 1980s plot. It happened when Stern was penning both Doctor Strange and Avengers. Guess what, though? This appears to be one of those unique sorts of crossover events where the primary writer is obviously tied to the lead characters because MacKay is presently penning Moon Knight in addition to Doctor Strange, The Avengers, and other comic books. A formal teaser trailer for the event has also been released by Marvel.