Marvel to shut down digital comic app run by Comixology in June 2023

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In a move that has disappointed many comic book fans, Marvel has announced that it will be shutting down its digital comic app run by Comixology in June 2023. The app was a popular source of new releases every New Comic Book Day, but readers will be left without a solution directly from Marvel for the time-being. The decision comes months after Amazon’s bungled rebranding of Comixology, which left many users confused and frustrated.

While the shutdown of the app is disappointing news for many, Marvel has announced that it will make digital comics purchases made prior to May 2 available and accessible on the Marvel Unlimited app to support its loyal fans. Readers will still be able to purchase new releases through May 2nd before the purchasing feature is shut down. After that, they can either continue reading in the Marvel app until June 2nd, or transfer their purchases to Marvel Unlimited.

While Android users won’t need to do anything to make sure their purchases are added to Marvel Unlimited, those using the apps on iOS devices will need to create a Marvel account to sync the Marvel Comics apps purchases to before June 2nd, or their purchases will be lost. As of now, it doesn’t appear the purchasing of new releases will be immediately available through Marvel Unlimited. Instead, a release from Marvel says new releases can still be purchased through Amazon to use on its new Kindle app.

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