During a recent appearance on the Phase Zero podcast, Zawe Ashton, who plays the role of Dar-Benn in the upcoming Marvel movie The Marvels, shared some interesting details about the film’s alternate ending. According to Ashton, there was an alternate ending that was filmed, which saw both Captain Marvel and Dar-Benn meeting their demise. Ashton revealed that in this alternate ending, Captain Marvel and Dar-Benn were still battling it out in space, and ultimately ended up combusting together.
It’s not uncommon for movies to have alternate endings, and The Marvels is no exception. However, it’s interesting to note that the alternate ending for The Marvels involved the death of two major characters, Captain Marvel and Dar-Benn. This certainly would have had a major impact on the overall story of the film, and it’s intriguing to think about how the plot might have been different had this ending been used instead of the one that made it into the final cut.
While we will never know for sure what The Marvels would have been like with the alternate ending, it’s always fascinating to learn about the different creative decisions that go into making a movie. It’s also a testament to the talent of the actors and filmmakers involved in the project that they were able to create an ending that was both impactful and emotionally resonant, even without the death of two major characters. The Marvels is set to be released in November 2022, and fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.