The creators of Marvel’s Blade, Arkane Studios, have shown fresh concept art for the next comic book game on the Xbox Series X|S. On social networking site X, Arkane Lyon co-creative director Sebastien Mitton posted concept art for the video game based on Marvel Comics. We are really grateful for your enthusiasm after the reveal of Marvel’s Blade,” Mitton remarked. “Check out this special eye candy from Lyon’s art heroes!
The three concept art images depict Eric Brooks, the vampire/human hybrid known as Blade, scouting the centre of Paris for potential bloodsuckers. In the first picture, Blade sits atop a structure surveying his surroundings while dead vampires lie behind him. Blade is shown in the second picture trying to slip into a vampire nightclub, which is similar to the opening sequence of the Wesley Snipes live-action film from 1998. In the third and last concept illustration, a train full of vampires is seen in the foreground, while Blade is seen fighting on the Paris Metro in the distance. The release date of Marvel’s Blade is still uncertain, despite the announcement during this year’s The Game Awards. Notably, Arkane Studios used Marvel’s Blade concept art to attract new members to their game development team. The vampire video game is being developed at Lyon, France’s Arkane Studios, the same firm that created Deathloop and Dishonoured.
Presently, Microsoft, the maker of Xbox games, owns Arkane Studios. This indicates that the Xbox Series X|S will get Marvel’s Blade. It’s unclear if the Marvel video game will be exclusive to Xbox, like Insomniac’s Spider-Man games for the PlayStation. Disney’s president of gaming Sean Shoptaw says Bethesda will decide whether to make Marvel’s Blade an Xbox exclusive.
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