Marvel’s TV change: A new focus on ongoing stories starring Miss Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk

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In a recent announcement, Marvel Studios has revealed that out of the initial lineup of TV series, only three shows will be renewed for follow-up seasons on Disney Plus. These shows are Miss Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk. This decision suggests that Marvel is shifting its focus towards ongoing series with multiple seasons, as opposed to limited series.

While it is important to note that this decision does not guarantee that other shows won’t be renewed in the future, it indicates that these three shows have emerged as the frontrunners for future seasons. It remains to be seen what factors led to the selection of these particular shows and what awaits the fate of other Marvel TV projects.

This move by Marvel Studios reflects the rapidly evolving landscape of streaming television and their desire to create long-term, ongoing narratives for these characters. Fans of these three shows can look forward to more adventures and character development on Disney Plus, while the future of other Marvel TV series is uncertain for now.

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