Fans are once again debating whether Marvel TV series are canonical inside the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) as “Secret Invasion” makes its premiere as the newest addition to Marvel Studios’ schedule. Fortunately, a Disney Plus update seems to offer some clarification, stating that “Agents of Shield” is certainly regarded as canon. The updated material on clarifies Nick Fury’s participation in the events of the MCU, notably when he steps in to assist Phil Coulson in eliminating John Garrett, a longtime Hydra agent and Nick Fury protege.
It’s interesting to note that Matt Murdock’s presence in “Spiderman: No Way Home” and the upcoming “She-Hulk” series have been subject to earlier revisions on The page first made reference to incidents from the Netflix series, showing how Murdock and Peter Parker interacted. These citations were later taken out, though. However, the page was altered once again when “She-Hulk” was revived, this time with links to the Netflix series and acknowledgment of their happenings.
The inclusion of time travel and multiverse hopping during the events of “Infinity War” and “Endgame” makes things more complicated, even though the first four and a half seasons of “Agents of Shield” may be regarded as canon. The final result and how it fits into the overall MCU story remain up in the air. The earliest seasons of “Agents of Shield” are, however, now officially acknowledged as a part of the MCU canon, which gives the show’s committed fans a feeling of closure and legitimacy.