The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been known for its ability to bring beloved comic book characters to life on the big and small screens. One such character is Daredevil, who gained a cult following during his original run on Netflix. So, it comes as no surprise that MCU fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming Disney+ series, Daredevil: Born Again. However, a recent casting announcement has left many fans disappointed.
The news that Jon Bernthal would be reprising his role as the Punisher in the upcoming series was met with excitement, but it was also revealed that Elden Henson and Deborah Ann Woll would not be returning to their roles as Foggy Nelson and Karen Page, respectively. This decision has left many fans upset, as Foggy and Karen were integral parts of Charlie Cox’s original run as Daredevil on Netflix.
Fans took to Twitter to express their disappointment, with many calling the decision to leave out Foggy and Karen “senseless” and “a mistake”. Some even went so far as to say that they would choose to have Karen and Foggy back over having Jon Bernthal’s Punisher in the series.
One fan, @conquercomics, didn’t believe that Charlie Cox would be okay with the decision to leave out Foggy and Karen, stating that “Feige isn’t an idiot” and that things may change before the show debuts. This sentiment was echoed by many fans who hoped that Marvel Studios would reconsider their decision and bring back the beloved characters.
However, with Woll herself expressing doubt about her potential comeback as Karen Page, it remains to be seen whether Foggy and Karen will eventually return to the series. Furthermore, there are still questions about whether the new series will be canon with everything that happened in the Netflix show, leaving fans anxious for more information.
In conclusion, the announcement that Elden Henson and Deborah Ann Woll would not be returning to their roles in Daredevil: Born Again has left many MCU fans disappointed. While the return of Jon Bernthal’s Punisher is exciting news, the absence of Foggy and Karen has left a void that many fans are hoping will be filled before the series debuts in Spring 2024. Whether or not Marvel Studios will listen to their fans’ pleas remains to be seen, but for now, fans will have to wait and see what happens with the upcoming Daredevil series.
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