Miles Morales’ improved costume is revealed on new Spider-Verse 2 merchandise

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Fans of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse have something to look forward to with the upcoming sequel, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The movie promises to take viewers on a wild ride as Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen face new threats and meet even more Variants of Marvel’s iconic wall-crawler. While fans eagerly await the film’s release on June 2, 2023, a recent release of merchandise for the movie has revealed a never-before-seen suit for Miles Morales’ Spider-Man.

The Miles Morales Hasbro Legends figure for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has given fans a glimpse of a new suit that the character is seemingly set to wear in the upcoming sequel. Promotional images for the figure have the young hero wearing a suit that has yet to be seen in any of the movie’s promotional material. While Miles was already set to get a slightly redesigned suit in the upcoming sequel, this one looks to be another costume on top of that one. The new suit has red vein-like designs on the shoulder, along with a textured navy stomach piece. Miles’ spraypaint spider logo seems to have been altered slightly as well, with the legs bleeding even further out of the circle than they had previously. The new suit looks very similar to the one Miles can be seen wearing in one of the recently released trailers, but with very minute differences.

It seems that Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will be a little more liberal when it comes to super-powered ensembles for its titular wall-crawler. While Into the Spider-Verse made a big deal about Miles Morales getting his first official Spider-Man suit, the sequel will feature three different suits for the character. There’s the plain black and red suit, the upgraded costume with hits of gray and navy on it, and then there is this almost spider-armor-esque look shown off on the Hasbro Legends figure.

Multiple suits in a single film is nothing new for Spider-Man movies. Tom Holland’s version of the character has had three or four different looks in his films. However, with a number of different art styles being at the center of Across the Spider-Verse, these similar-yet-different Spidey suits could all be different Mutliversal Variants on the same suit. The possibility also exists that the more detailed Hasbro Legends figure’s costume could be what Miles will look like in the rumored “animated Miles in a live-action world” sequence in the movie. It would make sense for the character to maintain his signature animated look while donning a suit that looks just a little more realistic to fit that particular live-action reality.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse promises to be a wild and exciting ride for fans of the franchise, with new suits and variations of their favorite web-slingers. Fans are eagerly anticipating the film’s release on June 2, 2023, and the new suit revealed through merchandise only adds to the excitement.

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